Upon your sudden realization that you may need the proper storage solution for your most prized possessions of wine bottle collection, you should investigate how wine is stored when placed in its ideal environment. However, as you might by now know that by, putting wine in a properly working old-styled wine cellar or wine fridge might be the best way of accomplishing this; however, you might not be sure as to which make and model of wine fridge you might be looking for in investing in, such as the Liebherr wine fridge, which is one cause of wine fridge amongst many available on the market from various manufacturers and outlets specializing in a good wine and beverage fridge; therefore it is recommended to do your research thoroughly when starting to investigate the options available when wanting to invest in such a specialized unit or piece of machinery. In addition, upon starting your quest to find the perfect wine storage cooler, you might find several other wine fridge manufacturers, such as the ones from Bodega43.com, to name just one of many in availability. Therefore, upon your search, the world of wine storage solutions is seamless.
Temperature requirements
Wine collecting is a fine art of knowing what wine needs to age appropriately, be cooled correctly, or be preserved in the right environment. Thus, following some rules regarding what experts say about what wine needs and its ideal environment might help you understand how to go about collecting and storing your favorite pieces of fine bottles of wine. For example, first of all, wine needs the perfect storage temperature to age appropriately and correctly; therefore, many suggest that you store your wine between the gauge of 7-18 degrees Celsius; however, there are estimations out there that red wine needs a slightly warmer environment compared to its counterpart the white wine. Therefore, according to many wine collectors, the correct temperature to keep red wine’s boldness intact would be 12 degrees Celsius; anything above this mark might be too high.
The humidity factor
It is of utmost importance that wine is stored at the right temperature; however, never let go of the importance of humidity and the factor it plays in the correct preservation of wine bottles in the proper storage device, such as a properly working wine cooler or fridge where it can be set and regulated at the optimal gauge of about 70%. This level would prevent the wine bottles’ corks from drying out, which might be devastating to the essential components of the wine, as moisture seepage into the bottle is a foe to any wine and its collector. Therefore, many wine collectors purchase a unit with a dehumidifier attached inside.
Protection from UV rays
Not only do the internal factors of the correct environment need to take place, such as temperature and humidity, as discussed previously, but there is also the essential factor of how to place the wine fridge wherein your wine collection is stored, for instance, when placing your wine fridge in a dark and cooler space you ultimately save of thousands of costly repairs or replacements when it comes to the bottles inside or the entire unit holding them. For example, never place a wine fridge in an area of the home where there are prolonged hours of sun exposure, as the harmful UV rays of the sun can destroy the unit and lead to the boiling of the wine inside. Therefore, always ensure when purchasing a wine fridge or cooler that it comes equipped with a UV-protective and tempered-proof glass door to ensure that these rays stay at bay.